How to Create and Maintain a Budget

by Benjamin Martik on

Whether you’re earning a six-figure salary or just out of college, creating and maintaining a budget is a must. Having a budget that you actually use can help keep spending under control, bolster your savings account, adequately plan for retirement, and keep debt at a manageable level. 


It’s Never Too Late to Save

by Benjamin Martik on

Retirement can sneak up on you.

At one time, it seemed like a lifetime away, now it may be just around the corner. At one time you planned on working forever, but now you can admit that the thought of retiring has its benefits.  Perhaps you’ve found yourself daydreaming about a little cabin on a...

Different Types of Mortgages

by Benjamin Martik on

If you’re currently in the market for a home, it will speed up the process considerably if you’re familiar with the various mortgage options available. Finding a mortgage that suits your current financial needs can be challenging, but understanding the various types of mortgages available and their...